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Welcome to affirmations for self-love and manifesting a positive and loving relationship. Listen to them every morning and night to see greatest results, listening to them falling asleep is fine too.

These affirmaitons I've created primarily for increasing self-love and attracting a positive love relationship but they can also be used if you're wanting to attract positive people into your life generally.


Realising your self-worth and believing in yourself is an important part of attracting a healthy and happy relationship, so I’ve included a mixture of self-love and relationship affirmations to help you invite in the energy vibration of pure love. As you start to feel the love around you, you will start attracting it in, including a loving and positive relationship!


Just as you accepted negative affirmations throughout your life as a child and growing up, you will also start to accept these positive love affirmations and they will be come part of your life, helping you to feel more confident and able to truly love yourself. Listening morning and night can create deep spiritual healing, helping you to connect, nurture and love yourself on a deep soul level.


After every ‘I’ affirmation repeat it in your mind or out loud- this helps you to affirm to yourself energetically each affirmation and when you repeat this enough it will become true and part of your energy and self-beliefs.  


On the ‘you’ affirmations listen to and really absorb the words- the 'you' affirmations are there after the 'I' affirmations because they are reprogramming your mind to think and feel more positive. Being told that you are "........." is a very powerful way of helping you to believe the words and it reinforces the 'I' affirmations. 


Enjoy these affirmations and know that you have all the power within you to manifest a wonderful, loving and beautiful relationship!


MP3 Affirmations For Self-Love & Attracting A Positive & Loving Relationship

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