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Writer's pictureSarah Catori

5 Ways To Avoid Emotional Burnout As A Lightworker/Empath

As a Lightworker and Empath do you ever feel that you get to that point where you feel totally overwhelmed by life?! It's not surprising really, as not only are you dealing with the normal day to day tasks of life, but you're also feeling the emotions of people, situations and even world events so deeply in your soul.

As well as this, to top it all off, you may have an inner passion to take action and make the world a better place yet lack the energy to do this. Often these kind of feelings can make life challenging for a Lightworker/Empath, some have experienced feelings of low mood, anxiety, depression or health problems which can all manifest through energy overload. However you DO have the strength and resilience to get through this and with committing some time and energy to your soul, you really can start to bring yourself back into balance! It takes daily dedication, but even a small amount of time in the day committed to this can make a difference. I have experienced all of the above over the years, and it has felt draining at times! However the following advice I have personally used, and it has really helped me to cope with daily life. I still get tired at times, but my energy levels are much improved- 1- Have firm boundaries! Just because you're a Lightworker/Empath it does not mean that you cannot also say no! In fact saying no can help to keep your energy levels high, so that you can put energy into areas that you feel are an important part of your life and what you feel passionate about. When you have boundaries you are also respecting yourself as a soul, and self-care is the number one priority to avoid emotional burn out. Be realistic and honest with yourself about what you can and can't cope with. As a Lightworker and Empath, you may feel the innate need to want to help everyone you come into contact with, however you need to recognise what is a realistic expectation that someone requests, and if you are able to manage the situation whilst still staying balanced in your own spirit. It can help to write your boundaries down. When a situation arises, check with your boundaries, go with your intuition and say no (or yes!) when necessary. 2- Check in with your soul! The best guide to helping you know if a situation is right for you, is your intuition and soul. This is the place where you will be able to create boundaries and through having a strong connection with your soul you will understand your spiritual needs. Perhaps you've been putting too much focus on certain areas of your life instead of focusing on what's important for your soul? maybe you're in need of a break and haven't been listening to those inner nudges? maybe you have a passion you'd like to follow but haven't given it enough time to pursue? Maybe you need to spend more time in nature?. When you create regular communication with that inner part of yourself, you will find that it guides you to the right care and attention that your soul and your energy field needs at this time. This is a great way to avoid burn out, just be sure to follow the guidance that surfaces. Start by giving yourself just 5 minutes a day to 'check in' with how your soul feels. To do this go somewhere quiet where you won't be disturbed and focus on your heart area. If any mind chatter comes in, acknowledge it but don't focus on it, let it pass like clouds in the sky. Once you do this regularly, your mind chatter will become less and your soul voice and feelings will become stronger. 3- Take yourself out of negative situations (at least for some of the day!) This can be difficult if you live or work around negative people who may drain your energy, especially with having such a high energetic sensitivity. However it's important that you honour yourself and give yourself at least a few hours of peace, away from negative influences, so that you can experience the joy of your spirit and express yourself freely. If this means leaving the environment for a walk, or visiting a positive family member or friend, then do it! Connections with other positive people can also really lift your energy and laughter can enlighten the soul. Doing this regularly will help you to avoid burn out. 4- Cleanse and energise your energy field! You may have heard this many times before, but it is important when you are sensitive to the energy around you. Emotions and energy can even be picked up through the media such as TV, as well as through the people and situations that you're around, and it's important that you cleanse your energy field of any fear based emotions. There are many great energy cleansing meditations on youtube that can help you with this, find the one that is right for you and try to do it daily. To simplify this if you don't have time to listen to a meditation, you can even just visualise a sacred healing shower passing in and around your energy field, as you have your daily shower in the morning. Visualise this washing away all lower negative energies and emotions, doing it this way can help it to become part of your routine. You can also ask the angels to cleanse and energise your energy field when you feel depleted or if you need a boost of energy. Here is a mediation that may help- 5- Do not overwhelm yourself with too much to do! This is important, because as a Lightworker/Empath, you may feel that you want to help so many people, or learn so many different spiritual subjects to help others, that you overwhelm yourself with so much information and/or tasks that you want to complete! And on top of this you may also have emotions and feelings that you're feeling from people and situations, which can end up feeling as if you're carrying the world on your shoulders. This can put unnecessary pressure on yourself and very often when people feel overwhelmed, they can also suffer from depression, anxiety, and a feeling of not being able to cope. To work through this it's a good idea to make a list, so that you can reflect on what your priorities are. Also do not think you have to do everything at once! It is not a race, and it will all get completed, just take one task at a time and break it down into smaller pieces. I find that a weekly task list is helpful, and maybe just pick out 1 or 2 things from the list that you can realistically achieve during that week. Then re-do the list each week and tick off each action when you complete it. You may find that you need to persevere with this, I personally found that I had to carry on this list for a few months before I started ticking things off, but it paid off in the end, as I managed to de-clutter after 5 years of putting it off. This was just through using this weekly goal list and saying no to tasks that were starting to feel overwhelming. These are just some ways that you can avoid burn out, but as mentioned in the article, the most important part is to listen to your intuition and your soul for this is your true guide. Remember that you are a powerful being of light, and you have so much potential to achieve your dreams! Never let anyone tell you what you can and can't do, always follow your heart and visualise what you want to achieve with joy and faith. Your time here is precious and each moment you can make a difference by just being you and shining your light! Written with Love by Sarah Catori

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